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Why the rims??

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Why the rims?? Empty Why the rims??

Post by bigredlaguna Thu Apr 08, 2010 11:26 pm

Looks like a freak matchbox toy

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Why the rims?? Empty Re: Why the rims??

Post by 74MonteCarlo Thu Apr 08, 2010 11:27 pm

Why would you do that to an Aerocoupe!?!?!

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Why the rims?? Empty Re: Why the rims??

Post by coreys73chevelle Fri Apr 09, 2010 1:25 pm

poor thing!
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Why the rims?? Empty Re: Why the rims??

Post by TWBouska AKA Wooderson Fri Apr 09, 2010 1:37 pm

its not the worst ive seen...at least is easily fixed and not a DONK. haha
TWBouska AKA Wooderson
TWBouska AKA Wooderson
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Why the rims?? Empty Re: Why the rims??

Post by The Dude Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:44 pm

People like that make me wish I had the money to plop down & ask if they would please remove the ridiculous rims before I get caught driving it home, lol.
The Dude
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Why the rims?? Empty Re: Why the rims??

Post by coreys73chevelle Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:48 pm

those cars are perfect with 15's OR 17s. no bigger ! those specific wheels on that are the #1 on my I hate that list, they dont look good on any car and i lke big wheels on bigger vehicles
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Why the rims?? Empty Re: Why the rims??

Post by maliburacinfreak Sat Apr 24, 2010 9:55 pm

coreys73chevelle wrote:those cars are perfect with 15's OR 17s. no bigger ! those specific wheels on that are the #1 on my I hate that list, they dont look good on any car and i lke big wheels on bigger vehicles
my 81 cutlass has 15s on it but i will be ordering a set of 18s in the near future. saw a pic of my same wheels in 18" on a black GN once, gave me instant wood. 18s look good on those cars, on some instances 20s look good if theyre tucked nice. 22s, no way!

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