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Pic of the Week or Ride of the Month

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Pic of the Week or Ride of the Month

Pic of the Week or Ride of the Month I_vote_lcap71%Pic of the Week or Ride of the Month I_vote_rcap 71% 
[ 5 ]
Pic of the Week or Ride of the Month I_vote_lcap29%Pic of the Week or Ride of the Month I_vote_rcap 29% 
[ 2 ]
Total Votes : 7
Poll closed

Pic of the Week or Ride of the Month Empty Pic of the Week or Ride of the Month

Post by BlackChevelleSS Sun Aug 03, 2008 2:05 pm

Figured Ride of the month is more for complete cars, Pic of the week as long as the picture is related to G3 is could involve engine pics, frame pics, or anything cool with the G3. And being up a week it would change often allowing change to the forum? but whatever VOTE!!!

Last edited by BlackChevelleSS on Thu Aug 07, 2008 12:27 am; edited 1 time in total


Pic of the Week or Ride of the Month SIG2

Street Cred : 20

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Pic of the Week or Ride of the Month Empty Re: Pic of the Week or Ride of the Month

Post by BlackChevelleSS Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:43 pm

TTT so more people voted for POTW so what now? Goon you want to set it up?


Pic of the Week or Ride of the Month SIG2

Street Cred : 20

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Pic of the Week or Ride of the Month Empty Re: Pic of the Week or Ride of the Month

Post by BlackChevelleSS Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:46 pm



Pic of the Week or Ride of the Month SIG2

Street Cred : 20

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Pic of the Week or Ride of the Month Empty Re: Pic of the Week or Ride of the Month

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