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75 Cutlass interior bulb #

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75 Cutlass interior bulb # Empty 75 Cutlass interior bulb #

Post by stich626 Wed Sep 02, 2020 9:20 am

Hello, the interior light between the side door window and side glass.
my car doesn't have the dome light in headliner, but has 2 lights between the windows, both are missing bulbs.
Anyone know what type# bulb they use.
Also the light for the console shift selector bulb #
I'm assuming the dash gauges and heater control bulbs are standard gm spade bulbs. yes/no?
There are also bulbs under corners of the dash that come on when you open the doors, The ones there now have no # on them. Any idea?
Thank you in advance for any help here.

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75 Cutlass interior bulb # Empty Re: 75 Cutlass interior bulb #

Post by Mcarlo77 Wed Sep 02, 2020 10:16 am

Straight from a 1975 glove box Cutlass Owner's Manual:

- Courtesy Lamps (front) (2) #89
- Console Shift Indicator (1) #1895
- Side Pillar Lamps (2) #212

Dash gauge bulbs ARE the spade type...but, manual shows several types depending on location; i.e, #168, #194, #161, etc.
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75 Cutlass interior bulb # Empty Re: 75 Cutlass interior bulb #

Post by stich626 Wed Sep 02, 2020 11:23 am

Thank you.

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75 Cutlass interior bulb # Empty Re: 75 Cutlass interior bulb #

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