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Removing center console

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Removing center console Empty Removing center console

Post by lagunaman Wed Jul 15, 2020 11:45 pm

Is there any where on this board about removing center console ? I have a general idea but was hoping that someone had pics and instructions . Thanks

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Removing center console Empty Re: Removing center console

Post by Mcarlo77 Thu Jul 16, 2020 10:13 am

It's pretty straight-forward.

First thing you'll want to do is remove the shifter knob. Start by prying off the cap. There are two indented slots across from each other under the lip of the cap for use in applying a flat-bladed screwdriver to pry upwards. That cap is held in place by a metal "u" shaped clip that is pressed into the bottom of the cap and has small "nubs" that grab the shifter shaft. Sometimes the cap pops right off. Other times, you have to work at it.

Next, you'll need to remove the c-clip at the inside bottom of the knob. Once that's done, the knob will lift straight up and off the shaft (in a perfect world, that is). More often that not, the knob is stuck on the shaft and will need some persuasion.

All that's left is to start removing visible screws and bolts. Don't forget the two screws at the forward end of the upper console pad. One other tip...it's easier to remove the storage box to access the bolts underneath if you open the lid fully. It gives more clearance for the lid spring to slide out of the lower section of console. Ask if you have any questions.
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