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Cigarette Lighter Wire Bracket

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Cigarette Lighter Wire Bracket Empty Cigarette Lighter Wire Bracket

Post by Hawk03 Tue May 19, 2020 11:01 am

I cannot figure out where this bracket should screw into. It has the connection for the cigarette lighter and passenger side footwell light. Anyone know where to attach it to? Thanks.

Cigarette Lighter Wire Bracket 20200529
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Cigarette Lighter Wire Bracket Empty Re: Cigarette Lighter Wire Bracket

Post by Mcarlo77 Wed May 20, 2020 4:29 pm

There is an approx 1" tall mtg post on the backside of the dash to the right (passenger side) of the center vent opening.
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Cigarette Lighter Wire Bracket Empty Re: Cigarette Lighter Wire Bracket

Post by Hawk03 Wed May 20, 2020 7:35 pm

Thanks, that make sense. The place the bracket is at on the wires, I thought it might attach to where the climate control cable attaches to (second pic) but it wouldn't work.

Cigarette Lighter Wire Bracket 20200438

Cigarette Lighter Wire Bracket 20200440
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Cigarette Lighter Wire Bracket Empty Re: Cigarette Lighter Wire Bracket

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