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Aluminum sheets in the doors?

Keith Seymore
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 Aluminum sheets in the doors? Empty Aluminum sheets in the doors?

Post by meren939 Sun Mar 08, 2020 7:32 am

 Aluminum sheets in the doors? 20190410
 Aluminum sheets in the doors? 20190210
 Aluminum sheets in the doors? 20190411

in my Malibu for 76 years stood in 4 doors and backs of seats. Who knows why and on which cars they put the sheets? I would like to know more information. From the paint, I realized that the car was repainted in beige not in the USSR. The native color is black. The ignition key with the number 6 or 9 brand. I understand that the car was not used for civilian purposes. But I also have no comparison information either.
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 Aluminum sheets in the doors? Empty Re: Aluminum sheets in the doors?

Post by Mcarlo77 Sun Mar 08, 2020 11:18 am

Never seen anything like that in any of the cars I've come across at the junk yards...and, that's been dozens upon dozens of them. Can't even venture a guess as to why someone would do that. If that aluminum is .190" thick as it appears to be marked, I can't see where that would make it bullet proof, either.
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 Aluminum sheets in the doors? Empty Re: Aluminum sheets in the doors?

Post by meren939 Sun Mar 08, 2020 5:13 pm

but as far as I know, they put additional sheets, only on which cars? police or other services? I read for the alloy, it was used in terms of armor and is still used. Very good from fragments. Indeed, at that time the alloy was one of the best. there are suspicions that she is of what special purpose. It’s not so simple. The car weighs at least 1700 kg. here at least 2200 kg. and another question is whether there are dents from the signals that are installed on the roof? Along the edges of the roof above the front doors. Identical dents as something stuck. I will send the photo later.
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 Aluminum sheets in the doors? Empty Re: Aluminum sheets in the doors?

Post by Mcarlo77 Mon Mar 09, 2020 9:58 am

Wonder if the glass is bullet-proof? Wouldn't make much sense to put aluminum panels in the doors for that purpose and not have bullet-proof glass. I'm certainly no ballistics expert...but, hard to believe .190 inch thk aluminum would stop anything but a small caliber hand gun. Just can't think of any other reason for someone to have installed that, though.

Hard to know if this was a government vehicle. Usually, they went with the full-size car platforms (i.e. Impala, Caprice) if they used Chevys. It's a mystery....
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 Aluminum sheets in the doors? Empty Re: Aluminum sheets in the doors?

Post by Keith Seymore Tue Mar 10, 2020 12:02 pm

meren939 wrote:but as far as I know, they put additional sheets, only on which cars?  police or other services?  I read for the alloy, it was used in terms of armor and is still used. Very good from fragments.  Indeed, at that time the alloy was one of the best.  there are suspicions that she is of what special purpose.  It’s not so simple.  The car weighs at least 1700 kg.  here at least 2200 kg.  and another question is whether there are dents from the signals that are installed on the roof?  Along the edges of the roof above the front doors.  Identical dents as something stuck.  I will send the photo later.

That was not done in a GM assembly plant.

It would have been done at an outside upfitter, like Hess and Eisenhardt, or overseas. That being the case there is no way to know which vehicles were upfitted.

Keith Seymore
Keith Seymore
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 Aluminum sheets in the doors? Empty Re: Aluminum sheets in the doors?

Post by Dinomyte Sat Mar 28, 2020 11:41 am

Wondering if it's a police service vehicle of some sort, and the panels are mend to make access to the door insides harder. Most of out interior panels are plastic or hardboard with vinyl or cloth on them, real easy to put a boot through.

Not that I now anything, just a thought. . .
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 Aluminum sheets in the doors? Empty Re: Aluminum sheets in the doors?

Post by Mcarlo77 Sat Mar 28, 2020 12:10 pm

Dinomyte wrote:

Not that I now anything, just a thought. . .

Whew...glad you clarified that. Thought for a moment that you were speaking from personal experience... Very Happy
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 Aluminum sheets in the doors? Empty Re: Aluminum sheets in the doors?

Post by meren939 Sat Mar 28, 2020 1:05 pm

Hello to all. Armor is for sure. This is a rare material. It is still not available for sale in Russia, only an analogue of D16. Characteristics of course surprise the gun just does not strike. Find police or military. I am still surprised at the quality of the metal, it is so heavy. She weighs more than two 2 tons. The engine is kind of like the usual marking K0713 CMJ. Maybe someone has a familiar situation? In Russia, for sure, no one will say anything to me.
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 Aluminum sheets in the doors? Empty door alum.

Post by mlewisariz Sun Mar 29, 2020 1:43 pm

Just a new guy here, but I do know a little about aluminum. The weight for the 4 doors and a seat back (guestimating sizes) would be about 55-60#. T351 alloy has a yield strength of about 47,000psi. Probably good for security plate but glass should be projectile resistant as well. As an intrusion panel,(such as a rod or a bar impacting), the screws holding sheet to the door will fail before the actual panel. Hard to say why anyone would need these, but they were definitly a retrofit.

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 Aluminum sheets in the doors? Empty Re: Aluminum sheets in the doors?

Post by Keith Seymore Mon Mar 30, 2020 3:10 pm

meren939 wrote: I am still surprised at the quality of the metal, it is so heavy.  She weighs more than two 2 tons.  

Keep in mind a "normal" (not armor plated) vehicle weighs around two tons.

My '74 was 4100 lbs when I started taking weight out.

Keith Seymore
Keith Seymore
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 Aluminum sheets in the doors? Empty Re: Aluminum sheets in the doors?

Post by impalamonte Mon Mar 30, 2020 3:51 pm

I've had mine on scales too!

4040 , with a quarter tank of fuel. Me not in it.
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 Aluminum sheets in the doors? Empty Re: Aluminum sheets in the doors?

Post by 73ss Tue Mar 31, 2020 4:39 pm

4000#'s on the money here. Me not in it, less than 1/4 tank. BB, aluminum intake & wheels at the time. Can't recall if I had A/C system on car at the time.
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 Aluminum sheets in the doors? Empty Re: Aluminum sheets in the doors?

Post by Dinomyte Thu Apr 02, 2020 7:30 pm

Mcarlo77 wrote:
Dinomyte wrote:

Not that I now anything, just a thought. . .

Whew...glad you clarified that.  Thought for a moment that you were speaking from personal experience... Very Happy

No, I have personal experience in back seat of a police car, just not in the doors or under the seats!  Let's be perfectly clear.

It's actually a very funny story.  We moved to a new house when I was going into grade 10 so not many of my school friends or classmates new my dad was an officer, and at that age it wasn't as cool as when I was in grade 3. One day I'm outside the school waiting on the city bus and a cruiser with my dad and his partner pulls up and so I get in and get a ride home from them (This is Toronto in the mid 80's - going down hill slowly at this time).  All good, till the next day when I get to school and everybody is talking about what I must have done.  I didn't correct anyone till 3 days later.  Even the tough guys were keeping their distance.

I have no idea what my car weighs, but 4100lb +/- 100lb sounds about right.
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 Aluminum sheets in the doors? Empty Re: Aluminum sheets in the doors?

Post by thatfnthing Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:44 am

Dinomyte wrote:It's actually a very funny story.  We moved to a new house when I was going into grade 10 so not many of my school friends or classmates new my dad was an officer, and at that age it wasn't as cool as when I was in grade 3. One day I'm outside the school waiting on the city bus and a cruiser with my dad and his partner pulls up and so I get in and get a ride home from them (This is Toronto in the mid 80's - going down hill slowly at this time).  All good, till the next day when I get to school and everybody is talking about what I must have done.  I didn't correct anyone till 3 days later.  Even the tough guys were keeping their distance.

"Stay away from that dude -- he's so hardcore that they have him serve detention down at the precinct!"
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 Aluminum sheets in the doors? Empty Re: Aluminum sheets in the doors?

Post by meren939 Sat May 02, 2020 11:23 am

With Malibu, not a virus is not terrible.
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 Aluminum sheets in the doors? Empty Re: Aluminum sheets in the doors?

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