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Post by DavidR Tue Oct 29, 2019 11:35 pm

Hello. My name is David I am from Spotsylvania, Virginia which is about 50 miles south of Washington DC. I have a 73 Buick Century that I am currently preparing for paint and am also happy to say I have onyt been here a couple days and was able to find an interior door panel! Thanks again and hope everyone is well.

G3GM Newbie
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Post by thatfnthing Wed Oct 30, 2019 9:05 am

Welcome aboard! We can always use more BOP owners, and everyone here is happy to help. Post photos when you can!

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Post by g3chevy / Mr Pontiac Thu Oct 31, 2019 11:52 am

Welcome David! Great to have you on this forum. Gotta love the lines of a 73 Century. We would love to see pics of your project as it progresses.
g3chevy / Mr Pontiac
g3chevy / Mr Pontiac
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