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Pontiac WW Trim, Would it fit?

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Pontiac WW Trim, Would it fit? Empty Pontiac WW Trim, Would it fit?

Post by lars Sun Jul 07, 2019 8:07 am

Is there any cross-over with the A-Body wheel well trim/molding?


If so $300 for brand new molding sounds pretty decent.

I bought some off of CarID, but it turns out they were just mislabeled '78-and-up stuff.
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Pontiac WW Trim, Would it fit? Empty Re: Pontiac WW Trim, Would it fit?

Post by Mcarlo77 Sun Jul 07, 2019 11:54 am

It's good to see someone is actually reproducing these for the Pontiacs. Unfortunately, they are not interchangeable with other makes.
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Pontiac WW Trim, Would it fit? Empty Re: Pontiac WW Trim, Would it fit?

Post by lars Sun Jul 14, 2019 10:46 am

Thank you. I'll probably have to keep my eye out for a NOS set on Ebay.
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