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Speedometer cable

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Speedometer cable Empty Speedometer cable

Post by 77camino Sat Apr 13, 2019 10:21 pm

I have not looked into this yet at all, but how hard is it to replace the speedometer cable. Can it be removed without removing a lot of dash parts. Mine is working fine, but mine had cruise control added as a dealer add on. Everything has been unhooked and removed except that the cable still runs to the unit on the inner fender well and then to the transmission. I’m just wanting to clean things up and get rid of the unit. Not sure if either one of the cables are original. Does the original cable go through the firewall or down through the floor?
G3GM Enthusiast
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Speedometer cable Empty Re: Speedometer cable

Post by Mcarlo77 Sat Apr 13, 2019 11:13 pm

It goes out the firewall...most likely exactly where the cable to the cruise actuator is currrently.  As for having to remove the dash...the answer is no.  Will just have to get your  hand up under there to guide it into place.  Will probably require pulling the instrument cluster out far enough to make sure you get it properly connected.

I'm contemplating doing just the opposite as I have all the components to add cruise.
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Speedometer cable Empty Re: Speedometer cable

Post by 77camino Sat Apr 13, 2019 11:22 pm

I would leave it there, but previous owner unhooked everything. I’m wondering if the cable from the dash is the original and it might reach the transmission and then I would not even have to mess with the end in the dash.
G3GM Enthusiast
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Speedometer cable Empty Re: Speedometer cable

Post by Mcarlo77 Sat Apr 13, 2019 11:30 pm

The factory cable for cruise is considerably shorter than the one that went directly to the transmission and would not be long enough. If yours looks like it doesn't have much slack in it, then the dealer probably swapped out the original cable.
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Speedometer cable Empty Re: Speedometer cable

Post by Hs1973 Sun Apr 14, 2019 5:40 am

It can be hard to get to the back of the cluster to unhook the speedo cable. It is however not that hard to remove the bezel first and then pulling the cluster out far enough to get to the metal lock that holds it in place. It goes through a hole in the firewall and then to the trans. It does not take long to replace, but patience is key to awoid  Breaking anything. Remember to seal the hole in the firewall Real good, or Else you can get alot of sound going trough the firewall from the engine.
G3GM Enthusiast
G3GM Enthusiast

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