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Headliner qustion and mold .What to do ?

Limey SE
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Headliner qustion and mold .What to do ? Empty Headliner qustion and mold .What to do ?

Post by lagunaman Sun Apr 07, 2019 11:51 pm

Okay I was able to bring my Laguna home . Only have a few issues I need help with . 1 . Headliner looks like it is dirty and has mold . Who makes one identical to the original . My interior is white . 2 . Best way to clean mold and mouse piss ? Car has been the weather for a couple years . Looking for ideas to help me Thanks

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Headliner qustion and mold .What to do ? Empty Re: Headliner qustion and mold .What to do ?

Post by Limey SE Mon Apr 08, 2019 12:37 am

Headlinermart.com May have it and as far as Mouse piss get rid of anything fabric for it will never come out.... i.e. Carpet, headliner etc. Mold on the Plastics I used Simple Green to cut thru it and Dawn (green version) Dish soap HOT as you can handle water took a few times with simple green and hot water then Dawn, Then you can redye or paint back to match where faded

1977 Chevelle SE x2
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one Wild NON original
Limey SE
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Headliner qustion and mold .What to do ? Empty Re: Headliner qustion and mold .What to do ?

Post by thatfnthing Mon Apr 08, 2019 8:57 am

This might be a long shot, but if you have a piece that you can't easily replace and no other method works, you might try Simple Solution.  It's an enzyme cleaner that's used for dog & cat urine/vomit and it works well -- you douse the stain (be generous) and it literally eats it.  However, I'd test it on a hidden spot first -- it works fine on carpets, but I don't know if it'll have any damaging effect on vinyl or interior fabric...
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Headliner qustion and mold .What to do ? Empty Re: Headliner qustion and mold .What to do ?

Post by Mcarlo77 Mon Apr 08, 2019 9:24 am

I've tried cleaning several headliners with various products and those dirty, moldy, cigarette smoke stains never come out. And, of course, white is absolutely the worst. Agree with Limey that mouse piss is grounds for throwing it out.
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Headliner qustion and mold .What to do ? Empty Re: Headliner qustion and mold .What to do ?

Post by Joe73 Mon Apr 08, 2019 10:02 am

Acme headliners. Google it. Rockauto has them the cheapest at around 80 bucks. They have been making factory interiors I believe since the 20s. They have all the correct patterns. Double check the color match. 73 did not have a white, it was actually called "neutral" and its like an off white. Not a pure white like on later year lagunas. Just fyi.
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Headliner qustion and mold .What to do ? Empty Re: Headliner qustion and mold .What to do ?

Post by Hs1973 Wed Apr 10, 2019 12:47 pm

Maybe some of the proffesional car cleaners can help you. Im in the car business and when we have a rentalcar with blood or other body fluids like urin and such they can work miracles cleaning stuff of others will not be able to. Of course it costs a bit, but comparing to the cost of replacing it Might be ok.
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