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Napa Valley wreckers for classic?

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Napa Valley wreckers for classic? Empty Napa Valley wreckers for classic?

Post by S3SS Tue Feb 12, 2019 2:31 pm

Can anyone provide any recommendations on a wrecker that would have our years of vehicles in the Brentwood, Napa Valley area?
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Napa Valley wreckers for classic? Empty Re: Napa Valley wreckers for classic?

Post by FumiyoG3 Wed Feb 13, 2019 12:48 am

I am about a half hour away from Napa, and about an hour away from Brentwood (BTW they are about an hour away from each other).

I don't know of any wreckers outside of the typical Pick n Pulls in this area, let alone any that I can say for sure that has our cars in them.  Pick N Pull lets you search their inventory, if that helps at all:


I have seen G3's in there from time to time.  There was actually a 73 Chevelle a while back that was sold as a complete car with swivel buckets and everything, that the new owner was trying to flip for a big profit.

If I can be of help please let me know.
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Napa Valley wreckers for classic? Empty Re: Napa Valley wreckers for classic?

Post by FumiyoG3 Wed Feb 13, 2019 12:58 am

This is at a pick n pull in Sacramento, about an hour away........


Napa Valley wreckers for classic? 00o0o_11

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Napa Valley wreckers for classic? Empty Re: Napa Valley wreckers for classic?

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