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73 SS Lower Body Stripes - confirming darker paint code?

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73 SS Lower Body Stripes - confirming darker paint code? Empty 73 SS Lower Body Stripes - confirming darker paint code?

Post by kyle1979 Sat Dec 15, 2018 10:26 am

Good morning!
I have searched several place here (so I apologize if I missed it), but I'm not sure I found the paint color name and code for the darker lower SS stripes for a 73 Chevelle.

Is the color called "Charcoal Poly" code 33065?

Thanks so much for your help!
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73 SS Lower Body Stripes - confirming darker paint code? Empty Re: 73 SS Lower Body Stripes - confirming darker paint code?

Post by Joe73 Sat Dec 15, 2018 11:06 am

I have an original PPG (Ditzler) paint chart from 1973. Index No 5. It lists the striping as Charcoal Poly 33055. You have 33065. Typo??
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