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new menber

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new menber Empty new menber

Post by 73monte times 2 Sat Jul 14, 2018 10:20 pm

hello my name is neil /73monte times 2 because I am putting together 2 73 montes.one is a fame off the other is a daily driver. one is a big block,other small block. I am always look for monte in new York so if u are looking for parts I know where 6or7 are sitting in junk yard 74-77 also other gm. hope I can be helpful and I may need help because as u know 73 monte has some features all there own. one black interior/other red interior both swivel buckets.

73monte times 2
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new menber Empty Re: new menber

Post by Hs1973 Sun Jul 15, 2018 2:00 am

Welcome to the forum. Everybody here are super helpful guys and we all love the g3s. So here is all the info and help u need.
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new menber Empty Re: new menber

Post by thatfnthing Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:07 am

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new menber Empty Re: new menber

Post by ant7377 Fri Jul 20, 2018 3:06 pm

Welcome. You are frim Saratoga I see . Nice place there we go to LG for the car dhow every year. Ive had my Montes there for the past few years. You will get all the info you need here.
G3GM Addict
G3GM Addict

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new menber Empty Re: new menber

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