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Another fender question

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Another fender question Empty Another fender question

Post by patman Thu Mar 15, 2018 5:45 pm

Guy's I had asked a bit ago if the 1973 Century and the 74-75 are the same. The book said no but as far as I can tell it's due to the change in marker light position on the marker light.

Here's my new question. What about the 76&77? They went to those goofy square headlights but are the fenders different? If so is it more than a move to the marker light? They look like they could be taller to accommodate the stacked headlights maybe? I've got a shot at a running driving 77 for cheap but I don't want to buy the and not be able to use them.


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Another fender question Empty Re: Another fender question

Post by Mcarlo77 Thu Mar 15, 2018 7:13 pm

The fenders on '73-'77 Chevelles/Malibus are called out as the same in the Hollander interchange manual; even though Chevy went with the stacked square headlights in '76/'77. Same with Montes. So, it does make me wonder if there isn't something else besides the headlights that differentiates '76/'77 Buick fenders from '73 & '74/'75 in the Hollander.
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Another fender question Empty Re: Another fender question

Post by patman Thu Mar 15, 2018 7:22 pm

Does Hollander show them as different?

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Another fender question Empty Re: Another fender question

Post by Mcarlo77 Thu Mar 15, 2018 8:47 pm

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Another fender question Empty Re: Another fender question

Post by clanceman427 Fri Mar 16, 2018 2:55 pm

patman wrote:...What about the 76&77? They went to those goofy square headlights ...

Whoa Patman we're all in the same G3 family! Some like a single, some like a 2-fer.

and you're wrong, they are not goofy square headlights, they are rectangular. moving on. Smile
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Another fender question Empty Re: Another fender question

Post by patman Fri Mar 16, 2018 2:57 pm

clanceman427 wrote:
patman wrote:...What about the 76&77? They went to those goofy square headlights ...

Whoa Patman we're all in the same G3 family!  Some like a single, some like a 2-fer.

and you're wrong, they are not goofy square headlights, they are rectangular.  moving on.  Smile

HAHA I stand corrected. No offense meant!

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Another fender question Empty Re: Another fender question

Post by clanceman427 Fri Mar 16, 2018 3:25 pm

Hehe all good! 👍
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