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Is there anyone on the board who has access to a CNC or machine shop?

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Is there anyone on the board who has access to a CNC or machine shop? Empty Is there anyone on the board who has access to a CNC or machine shop?

Post by Joe73 Tue Jul 11, 2017 10:59 am

I'm looking to have a small plate made up.  Would like it made out of aluminum or steel.  I can either send the piece to copy or send a tracing of it.  Pic of what I need is below.  It measures about 3" tall and about 2 3/4" wide.  I'd like it to be about 5/16" thick.  

Please Pm me if have a connection to do this.  Thanks

Is there anyone on the board who has access to a CNC or machine shop? Clutch10
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Is there anyone on the board who has access to a CNC or machine shop? Empty Re: Is there anyone on the board who has access to a CNC or machine shop?

Post by tropdeprojet Tue Jul 11, 2017 5:23 pm

You probably found closer from you but if you have no solution, i can probably do for you by laser cutting.
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Is there anyone on the board who has access to a CNC or machine shop? Empty Re: Is there anyone on the board who has access to a CNC or machine shop?

Post by Joe73 Tue Jul 11, 2017 8:51 pm

I will keep that in mind. Thank you.
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Is there anyone on the board who has access to a CNC or machine shop? Empty Re: Is there anyone on the board who has access to a CNC or machine shop?

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