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Dropping the transmission to change oil cooler line?

Limey SE
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Dropping the transmission to change oil cooler line? - Page 2 Empty Re: Dropping the transmission to change oil cooler line?

Post by 76malibu Tue Jul 04, 2017 9:59 pm

Yes, that's a good idea to flare the line and put a collar. I have seen it for fuel lines also.

I learned something else. This fitting may be called 1/2-20 instead of 1/4 NPS.
So if somebody want to buy a barb fitting in the future, the Hayden 393 should fit:

Here is the full explanation:
A 5/16 tube has an inside diameter of 1/4. The nut matching the pipe has around 0.5 (1/2) in outside diameter and SAE 20 thread.
So to wrap up those 3 elements go together:

  • 1/4 inside diameter inverted flare
  • 5/16 steel pipe
  • 1/2-20 nut

Dropping the transmission to change oil cooler line? - Page 2 19727010
Dropping the transmission to change oil cooler line? - Page 2 19747910
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Dropping the transmission to change oil cooler line? - Page 2 Empty Re: Dropping the transmission to change oil cooler line?

Post by crice63 Wed Jul 05, 2017 1:06 am

Another fun fact: Despite GM's change to metric fasteners in the late 70s, the plumbing of my 1985 S10 is still all American. The transmission lines and connectors are just as described above, in fraction inches rather than millimeters. I've never worked on a newer GM car, so I can't tell you when the plumbing systems switched over, if ever, but on this July 4, we can celebrate the GM transmissions for preserving the new world values. scratch

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Dropping the transmission to change oil cooler line? - Page 2 Empty Re: Dropping the transmission to change oil cooler line?

Post by fasrnur Wed Jul 05, 2017 10:11 pm

I believe if it is an inverted flare fitting, it's going to be a standard thread. On the other side, if it's a bubble flare, it's a metric thread.
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