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77 Monte in IA

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77 Monte in IA Empty 77 Monte in IA

Post by Circuit Rider Sat Apr 15, 2017 2:35 am

Howdy! I am a southern currently residing in "enemy territory". I am pastoring a small church in the middle of corn fields in SE Iowa. A little town called Bussey, just south of Knoxville, IA sprint car capital of the world, including the Sprint Car Hall of Fame. I am working on a 77 Monte Carlo, that I picked up in Marshalltown, IA. Body and interior are very good to excellent (car was from CA). PO had a 502 in it but came to me with no tranny or engine. I had a turbo 350 and found a slightly modified 305 reasonable. Freshened up the engine, and have it placed in the car. Still have to hook up all the wiring, plumbing, a/c and exhaust as well as some minor modifications.

77 Monte in IA Img_1910
77 Monte in IA Img_1911
77 Monte in IA Img_2510
77 Monte in IA Img_2810
77 Monte in IA Img_2912
77 Monte in IA Img_2911
77 Monte in IA Img_2910

Anyway, that is an overview of what I am working on. BTW I am the old guy with the beard. LOL! The car is for my daughter (age 19) when she goes to school in South Carolina (no driving this car in Iowa winters! UGH!). Anybody in the area feel free to get in touch. Please read my want ads and questions about gauges. TIA Andy
Circuit Rider
Circuit Rider
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77 Monte in IA Empty Re: 77 Monte in IA

Post by Roadcaptain S3 Sat Apr 15, 2017 8:02 am

Roadcaptain S3
Roadcaptain S3
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77 Monte in IA Empty Re: 77 Monte in IA

Post by Mcarlo77 Sat Apr 15, 2017 10:20 am

Welcome...from a former Iowan born/raised about 40 miles northwest of Knoxville (town just south of D.M called Norwalk). Remember well running down there to watch the races back in the day. Tell you what...people speak of "southern hospitality", but you aren't going to find people much nicer than in rural Iowa, either.
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77 Monte in IA Empty Re: 77 Monte in IA

Post by Circuit Rider Sat Apr 15, 2017 11:26 am

Mcarlo77 wrote:Welcome...from a former Iowan born/raised about 40 miles northwest of Knoxville (town just south of D.M called Norwalk).  Remember well running down there to watch the races back in the day.  Tell you what...people speak of "southern hospitality", but you aren't going to find people much nicer than in rural Iowa, either.

You are right about the nice folk in IA! Did a lot of camps out here 25 years ago, and when I was looking for a place to pastor, IA was at the top of the list. Amazingly, some of my church members were my "camp kids" 25 years ago. Have been to Norwallk, more than once!
Circuit Rider
Circuit Rider
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