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Salvage yard with 73-77 Chevelle cars & parts

Carolina Man
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Salvage yard with 73-77 Chevelle cars & parts Empty Salvage yard with 73-77 Chevelle cars & parts

Post by testpilot61 Wed Dec 14, 2016 2:24 pm

Just a heads up.

I found a salvage yard in Northern Texas that has many cars and parts for our chevelles and pickups. May be of some interest to the group.

Jerry Harman

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Salvage yard with 73-77 Chevelle cars & parts Empty Re: Salvage yard with 73-77 Chevelle cars & parts

Post by testpilot61 Wed Dec 14, 2016 2:42 pm

Maybe an email address would help.


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Salvage yard with 73-77 Chevelle cars & parts Empty Re: Salvage yard with 73-77 Chevelle cars & parts

Post by Mcarlo77 Wed Dec 14, 2016 6:44 pm

Yeah...they advertise in the car mags. They're kind of like the Desert Valley Auto Parts (AZ) of Texas. May have what you're looking for...but, be prepared to get bent over as they sure don't give their stuff away!
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Salvage yard with 73-77 Chevelle cars & parts Empty Re: Salvage yard with 73-77 Chevelle cars & parts

Post by pila Wed Dec 14, 2016 8:38 pm

"bent over:  ..hahahaha ! Very Happy good description ! Very Happy
I bought a bracket for my Caddy engine from a place out in that area that has lots of Cadillac parts. It wasn't a bad price though ....

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Salvage yard with 73-77 Chevelle cars & parts Empty Re: Salvage yard with 73-77 Chevelle cars & parts

Post by Carolina Man Wed Dec 14, 2016 10:08 pm

Ever watch RoadKill TV on you tube they bent those guys over good on tv

Carolina Man
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Salvage yard with 73-77 Chevelle cars & parts Empty Prices for Parts

Post by testpilot61 Tue Jan 24, 2017 6:23 pm

I just learned about some of the pricing for items at the Texas Ranch yard. I passed on the items I wanted.

Sorry guys. Thought this was a good source.

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Salvage yard with 73-77 Chevelle cars & parts Empty Re: Salvage yard with 73-77 Chevelle cars & parts

Post by Mcarlo77 Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:03 pm

It's disappointing, I know.  

Just got back from a visit to AZ and took a run over to Desert Valley Auto while I was there.  Same 'ol story...they wanted both arms and a leg for anything I asked about.  And, I see the same stuff every year because nobody wants to pay their ridiculous prices. Some poor guy and his wife were in their office while I was waiting and had a few pcs of exterior molding in his hand.  Apparently, there was a misunderstanding on price earlier before he had their yard worker pull them.  He goes to pay and, instead of the $50 he thought he was going to pay, the one piece of grill molding alone was going to cost him $200!  He left that one...but, reluctantly bent over and paid around $150 for the others.  Felt kind of sorry for him knowing what I would have paid at the yards near me.  Anyway, they had a '73 SS (350 auto) new arrival sitting out in the yard waiting to be processed; presumably for parting out rather than selling it as a project.
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Salvage yard with 73-77 Chevelle cars & parts Empty Re: Salvage yard with 73-77 Chevelle cars & parts

Post by 73ss Tue Jan 24, 2017 9:35 pm

These guys had a show for a while. Haven't seen it around in a year or so. They would pull a junker out of the yard, give it a quicky paint, interior job, throw a motor at it, Gripe about having to spend additional money to get it ready. and want top dollar for it. deadlines to meet, hurry it off to auction, typical car show.
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Salvage yard with 73-77 Chevelle cars & parts Empty Re: Salvage yard with 73-77 Chevelle cars & parts

Post by pila Wed Jan 25, 2017 1:36 am

YUP ! Sounds like a typical Discovery family of car shows on TV...90% bull whoa nelly and hype, and 10 % substance.... Very Happy

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Salvage yard with 73-77 Chevelle cars & parts Empty Re: Salvage yard with 73-77 Chevelle cars & parts

Post by Tom77 Wed Jan 25, 2017 8:18 am

Found a bumper for the wifes 74 Buick in California guy wanted more than I paid for the car plus 165 to ship it to me. When I bought the Malibu in 09 I paid 400 to ship the whole car from Texas to Indiana. Bumper cant weigh that much.
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Salvage yard with 73-77 Chevelle cars & parts Empty Re: Salvage yard with 73-77 Chevelle cars & parts

Post by Mcarlo77 Wed Jan 25, 2017 10:43 am

I've shipped a couple bumpers half-way across the country via FedEx and, with packing supplies included, it ran right around $90-$100...and, that's not charging extra for my time to build a suitable box. Shipping on large items has gotten ridiculous...usually being dictated by dimensional weight rather than actual.
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Salvage yard with 73-77 Chevelle cars & parts Empty Re: Salvage yard with 73-77 Chevelle cars & parts

Post by Tom77 Wed Jan 25, 2017 11:05 am

Shipping wasnt the killer where I work lets me use our Fed Ex freight account if I pay for it and they get great rates. The cost of the bumper is my issue.
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Salvage yard with 73-77 Chevelle cars & parts Empty Re: Salvage yard with 73-77 Chevelle cars & parts

Post by Olof Thu May 31, 2018 4:55 pm

I've used Greyhound before shipping some major items such as floor boards within the US prices been pretty ok compared to fedex which will take all your lims.

I don't think it's just old car junk yards that has the over priced items, think it's even worse with newer yards aimed for newer cars at least in Europe. You look at the prices and sometimes you can as well buy new, after all then it's new and not used. It's like it's all priced for insurance jobs. They wait and wait until someone will buy at their silly prices items and if they don't, then well after a few years it's off to the furnace in China. Why not in case of newer parts sell it cheaper and get some turn around rather than just let it sit?

Cheers Olof

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Salvage yard with 73-77 Chevelle cars & parts Empty Re: Salvage yard with 73-77 Chevelle cars & parts

Post by fasrnur Thu May 31, 2018 10:37 pm

Hi Olof! You are very correct about the new parts and the prices of the parts for them. I work for the largest salvage yard company in the Us and they mainly concentrate on the newer cars. 200-2006 and newer. Sometimes even 2012 or newer. It is amazing the prices they get for part, but the new car are expensive so the prices of the parts for them go hand in hand. I wish they owned a yard or two that handled old stuff. but it's not going to happen. Bummer!

I can only imagine your how hard it must be over there to find parts for old cars. It's good that you and so many others are willing to save American, and other countries cars. Keep up the good work Olof.
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