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corrosion inhibitor

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corrosion inhibitor Empty corrosion inhibitor

Post by pila Mon Dec 12, 2016 11:34 pm

For you guys familiar with LPS-3, I just sprayed that stuff in my body cavities, like quarter panels, and tail Gate. I'll do the inside of the doors also, when I removed the door panels, to adjust the window glass ( again !)
And then I did the insides of the frame rails, cross member etc.
I had painted the insides of the quarter panels after I had stripped the paint off of the out side, and had the total insides and bottom sand blasted. I had painted the interior of the quarter panels white, so I could really see in there !

The LPS is still dripping out of the drain holes in the body & frame ! Smile

I use that stuff on airplanes also, just like the military does, to retard corrosion..

It's available in spray cans, but I use a gallon jug and my engine cleaning gun with an adjustable nozzle, for the amount of heavy mist I spray in there ...

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corrosion inhibitor Empty Re: corrosion inhibitor

Post by ant7377 Tue Dec 13, 2016 7:21 am

I have been using Fluid Film with an undercoating gun on all my cars. Works good so far. Is this product you are using similar?
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corrosion inhibitor Empty Re: corrosion inhibitor

Post by pila Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:54 pm

I can't say. I don't know anything about Fluid Film.
LPS-3 is a slimy fluid which doesn't really dry out.  Some airplanes I've used it on many years ago still have the stuff on the internal surfaces, like in the wings etc, which are bare aluminum originally with no protection..

I did the passenger side door today, which of course had to have the door panels etc removed. I used a mini paint spray gun for that, with low pressure, to keep the mist low.
The LPS-3 isn't cheap by the gallon, it's like $110 bucks, but goes a long way. I used about half a gallon....

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corrosion inhibitor Empty Re: corrosion inhibitor

Post by ant7377 Wed Dec 14, 2016 7:56 am

Fluid Film is 50 buck a gallon. I did under my Subaru and I drive the snot out of it so we will see how it holds up. I'd recommend anyone driving their car in the elements to do this. http://www.fluid-film.com
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corrosion inhibitor Empty Re: corrosion inhibitor

Post by pila Wed Dec 14, 2016 8:27 pm

Thanks for that link. I bookmarked it so I can read it all later. Some of my friends may want to use that product...


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