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Thanks a lot, Dixie monte carlo depot

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Thanks a lot, Dixie monte carlo depot Empty Thanks a lot, Dixie monte carlo depot

Post by crice63 Fri Sep 02, 2016 9:35 pm

Just got this email from Dixie Monte Carlo depot. I don't know that they are deliberately shunning our G3 cars (also known and beloved as 4th gens by the el Camino owners), but they really are leaving us out.
I mean, aren't most of these parts actually available for our cars? Pro thane makes a poly bushing set, right? So leaving us off the list seems just spiteful. 
Thanks a lot, Dixie monte carlo depot Image15

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Thanks a lot, Dixie monte carlo depot Empty Re: Thanks a lot, Dixie monte carlo depot

Post by ant7377 Sat Sep 03, 2016 7:46 am

So order from PST . These guys specialize in 78 88 g body. He's pretty knowledgeable about them too. Our cars just dont have as big a following.
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