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Body bushing above rear axle OR center of the door. (2 door)

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Body bushing above rear axle OR center of the door. (2 door) Empty Body bushing above rear axle OR center of the door. (2 door)

Post by Joe73 Thu Aug 18, 2016 7:49 pm

I'm going over my body bushings to make sure I have everything I need. Body is ready to go back on the frame.

I need (2) more of the solid rubber body bushings that go either above the rear axle or at the center of the door on a two door car.

Anyone have (2) brand new ones they wont be using? Figure I'd ask here while I wait to hear back regarding dimensions from the parts place.

In case there are variations from companies, I need the thick part to be 1 1/4" thick and the overall diameter 2 1/2". Just so they match mine.

Anyone have a pair to sell ?

Thanks guys.
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Body bushing above rear axle OR center of the door. (2 door) Empty Re: Body bushing above rear axle OR center of the door. (2 door)

Post by Joe73 Sun Aug 21, 2016 7:01 am

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