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Dash maintenance

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Dash maintenance  Empty Dash maintenance

Post by crice63 Mon Aug 01, 2016 2:57 am

I lucked into a complete dash in perfect condition, no cracks, with the round gauge cluster and all. Had to buy the whole 73 Laguna to get it. Since it will be some time before I can get the dash out, I'm wondering what, if anything, I could treat it with to condition it and help keep it from cracking when I switch it into the el Camino. (No pics yet, but soon I hope).

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Dash maintenance  Empty Re: Dash maintenance

Post by Mcarlo77 Mon Aug 01, 2016 10:56 am

Nice...like finding the holy grail of car parts!

There are probably a number of products you can use. However, if you plan on painting it, I wouldn't put anything on it. In fact, I'd get busy removing it and get it inside a climate controlled area (i.e; your house) for storage. Also, having removed a number of these myself, I'd suggest you get a helper when the time comes to help keep it from flexing or suddenly dropping on one end when removing and reinstalling it. That's all it will take to split that top.
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Dash maintenance  Empty Re: Dash maintenance

Post by crice63 Mon Aug 01, 2016 12:56 pm

Unfortunately it will be a week and a half before I can get the dash out. I've got the car covered well, but it has been sitting in the Louisiana sun for about a year now--luckily the rain has been kept out but the humidity is enough to keep things moist. The interiors around here disintegrate rapidly once the cars hit the junkyards.

I was so surprised to find it that I haven't yet figured out if I will paint it (probably) and what color. My seats and doors are black, and the all black interior is always a good look, but its a driver so I'm also concerned with the heat. Because of heat and sun, I'm thinking to get a dash rug to use most of the time anyway.

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Dash maintenance  Empty Re: Dash maintenance

Post by crice63 Tue Feb 07, 2017 1:54 am

Week-and-a-half. Ha. that was August 1. This weekend I finally got the dash out.

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If you look closely at the bottom left hand corner of this photo, you might barely make out the wiper switch knob, which some thoughtful person stored in the little gap there under the switch, behind the bezel so it wouldn't get lost, in like-new condition. Was some optimistic person thinking of future restorers?

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I was also pretty impressed with the tach installation. Someone has blacked out the stock face, replaced the mechanism, then attached the SunPro face to the front of the old face with what look like original mounting screws. The only damage done to the stock pod is on the back of the plastic cover, where the wiring hole was enlarged.

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My only other experience with dash removal is my S10, but this was not hard at all. I unhooked and unclipped the main harness from the dash rather than removing the fuse panel. I'll be keeping my 75 ElCo fuse panel so no need to bring this one along.

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I'm slowly changing my mind about painting it. I'm going to clean it first and see what it looks like. If it is dark enough I might just try to leave it. The rest of my interior is black, and although I want to do something clever and attractive, it's hard to beat all black for a classic look.

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