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Quarter Panel Compatibility

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Quarter Panel Compatibility Empty Quarter Panel Compatibility

Post by lars Wed May 11, 2016 10:46 pm

Hey guys,

I was wondering if these quarter panels (which are stated to fit the chevelle coupes) is the exact same as the ones on the sedans?

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Quarter Panel Compatibility Empty Re: Quarter Panel Compatibility

Post by chevellelaguna Thu May 12, 2016 8:32 am

The only thing that would be the "exact same" is the wheel opening arch. The quarters listed, like you mentioned are for a coupe. If you had a rusty 4 door. You could use those quarters and cut out the entire wheel opening, and graft it in. You wouldn't get the "dog leg" close to the door.
Before any aftermarket panels were available and GM stuff was discontinued, there was a transition point where you had to work with what you had. I had a 75 4 door, needed quarters, no one made them, none to be found, no internet. So, what I did was found two good front fenders and grafted the wheel opening from the fender into the quarter. The fronts actually have more of a bulge, more pronounced flare. No MIG welder in the late 80's, they were expensive! All brazed with a torch.
That worked in my favor as to be able to fit bigger tires in the back for winter. More specifically BFG 33x12.5. It looked like a dragster from the back. The tire most definitely filled the well.
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Quarter Panel Compatibility Empty Re: Quarter Panel Compatibility

Post by lars Sat May 14, 2016 3:34 pm

Thank you, As my wheel openings are fine, and all I wanted was the edges/door bits I guess this would be the wrong kit for me! That sounds like a hell of time. The four doors still don't get a lot of parts love, mostly just the two doors.
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Quarter Panel Compatibility Empty 4 door quarter

Post by 454fourspeedss Sun May 15, 2016 2:24 pm

there is a nos 4 door quarter on ebay , there was another left and right but a member on here already bought them

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