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GM bucket seats

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GM bucket seats Empty GM bucket seats

Post by marx3 Sat Apr 23, 2016 1:33 pm

Does anybody know if the swivel seats that GM used for A-bodies has the same shape of frame as bucket seats from other GM divisions? I really like the look of the Horsecollar type buckets found in 74-77 Trans Am ( had a Trans Am that I restored the seats in. The seat frame itself is the same for any 2. gen Firebird, only the seat foam and covers differ. I hope that GM used one frame across the divisions.
The buckets in an A-body looks alot like the ones found in a Camaro.

EDIT: dang, just found that the swivel has one single bucket shaped metal frame. F-body cars has a bottom and a back piece that are upholstered individually.
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GM bucket seats Empty Re: GM bucket seats

Post by Roadcaptain S3 Sat Apr 23, 2016 2:14 pm

Swivels were different, but I'm pretty sure the regular buckets available in the G3 were the same frame as the F.

Wally is kinda the seat/interior guru here.

I've seen buckets from a 75 Cutlass that looked exactly like Camaro seats, except the upholstery was a little more fancy.
Roadcaptain S3
Roadcaptain S3
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GM bucket seats Empty Re: GM bucket seats

Post by marx3 Sat Apr 23, 2016 3:24 pm

As much as I would really love to have a pair of swivels, I like the Horse collar seats from a Trans Am more.

If I can find a set of Camaro seats or similar, cheap buckets in really bad shape, I can re-upholster them and install them in the car.
Luckily, seat covers and foam is alot cheaper for Trans Am seats, than for Monte Carlo swivel seats.
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